Mishnah Snapshots
Volume 2: Holidays
#25 β‘ Shabbat 1:4-6:5
#25 β‘ Shabbat 1:4-6:5
- How is Torah study like dying cloth in a vat?
- Yeshua saying "the Father" sounds kind of stiff...is that how he said it?
- Do you light Shabbat candles? Here are some starter tips.Β
- That "frontlets on your forehead" thing is literal, here's proof
- How did the sages feel about packing a piece?
#26 β‘ Shabbat 6:2-23:4
#26 β‘ Shabbat 6:2-23:4
- The Hebrew term for "preparing the bride" will blow your mind
- Why did Jewish people carry a nail from a cross for healing?
- Flutes at funerals, and oil and wine on wounds, in the ancient Middle East
- Kids playing with grasshoppers and fighting over dessert is nothing new
- The Hebrew words for midwife, sandal, prayershawl, and pee are interesting
#27 β‘ Eruvin 1:7-5:4
#27 β‘ Eruvin 1:7-5:4
- "Roll away the stone" means something that will take your breath away
- What does "Rebekah" mean? The Bible doesn't say, but Mishnah does
- How is a cistern of water like you when you're meditating on Torah?
- The way you measure people is a reflection of YOUR character, here's how
- How are evil spirits talked about in ancient Jewish writings?
#28 β‘ Eruvin 5:6-10:14
#28 β‘ Eruvin 5:6-10:14
- If I'm a Messianic Jew should I leave my non-Messianic synagogue?
- "If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord", is that a formula?
- What if your spirit's outside and your body's inside instead of vice versa?
- In Jewish law you become one through wine or bread, sound familiar?
- "Light and heavy" in Jewish hermeneutics and in the New Testament
#29 β‘ Pesachim 1:1-2:8Β
#29 β‘ Pesachim 1:1-2:8Β
- The Jewish euphemism for the night of Passover will chill you
- What was Israel doing during the Last Supper and Crucifixion?Β
- The Jewish nickname for Yeshua means "undecided" and "suspense"...WHY?Β
- What's the difference between yeast and leaven? How about symbolically?Β
- What did a Passover Seder look like 2000 years ago?
#30 β‘ Pesachim 4:5-9:3
#30 β‘ Pesachim 4:5-9:3
- Wasn't Passover on the 15th? What was Yeshua eating on the 14th?
- What does the relationship between a rabbi and disciple look like?
- The Passover sacrificial procedures were a graphic picture of Christ's passion
- Charming story about a Dad getting his sons to race to Jerusalem
- Why are there mysterious dots over some letters in the Torah?
#31 β‘ Pesachim 9:3-10:7
#31 β‘ Pesachim 9:3-10:7
- Why are there four cups in a Passover seder, and how old is that tradition?
- Why is there a fifth cup for Elijah, and how Messianic is that?
- Jesus is coming to take us...where? (brace yourself)
- What was the hymn Yeshua and his disciples sang after their seder?
- How many of the prayers in the Siddur go back 2000 years?
#32 β‘ Pesachim 10:1-10:7
#32 β‘ Pesachim 10:1-10:7
- The Hebrew word for salty parsley is so beautiful it'll bring tears to your eyes
- Here's how we know that much of the Seder is from the time of Jesus
- Passover teaches us to tell our whole stories - the good, bad, and ugly
- Do you know which of the Passover elements isn't actually commanded?
- Afikoman is so messianic it will blow your mind...and it's a tradition of men!
#33 β‘ Shekalim 1:1-5:2
#33 β‘ Shekalim 1:1-5:2
- Have you seen the images on the holy half-shekel coins?
- Did they celebrate Purim in the time of Jesus?
- Why is the "two-drachma tax" story Izzy's favourite?
- Did you know having the upper hand is a Hebrew expression?
- Why are non-Greek words like "mammon" in the Greek NT?
#34 β‘ Shekalim 5:2-6:4Β
#34 β‘ Shekalim 5:2-6:4Β
- The Jerusalem Temple and Messianic Community both had seven "deacons"
- The Second Temple had a room for "giving in secret"...sound familiar?
- A Priest found the Ark and died before he could tell anyone!
- Example of how the "takanot and ma'asim of the Rabbis" aren't evil
- Holiness is all about accomplishing your mission in concrete ways
#35 β‘ Shekalim 6:6-8:8
#35 β‘ Shekalim 6:6-8:8
- Why do Jews call God "Hashem"? How old is that tradition?Β
- Are non-Jewish believers Gentiles, or is that a dirty word?
- The "takanot" of the Rabbis are "tikkun" olam and aren't all evil.
- Hit rock bottom? You're in the best place of your life if you do this.
- You're not going to believe what happened to the Sanhedrin in 30 A.D!
- Did they still bring stuff to Jerusalem after the Temple was destroyed?
#36 β‘ Yoma 1:1-1:3
#36 β‘ Yoma 1:1-1:3
- Count with me the many ways that a man's wife is his home
- Is Yeshua 100% spiritual or 100% physical, or both?
- Single and married are both good gifts from God and have pros and cons
- You don't have agree with the Mishnah for it to have historical value
- New to the Jewish prayerbook? Here's the best tour guide to the Siddur.
#37 β‘ Yoma 1:5-5:2
#37 β‘ Yoma 1:5-5:2
- Where did Jesus get the idea of apostles from...was that Jewish?
- Peter's nickname meant Rock in Greek and Runaway in Hebrew. Coincidence?
- What was the high priest doing on the night of Yom Kippur?Β
- Three people who inspired me when I first starting teaching Hebrew
- If the ark wasn't in the Second Temple, where was the presence of God?
#38 β‘ Yoma 6:8
#38 β‘ Yoma 6:8
- Where was God during the "silent years" between Malachi and Matthew?
- Multiplication of loaves under Shimon HaTzadik's ministry, sound familiar?
- Alexander the Great shocked everyone by bowing to the Kohen Gadol, here's the story
- 3 miracles stopped happening in the Temple starting in 30 AD...why?
- Sometimes Christian evangelism of Jews comes across as an uninformed attack
#39 β‘ Yoma 3:8-8:9
#39 β‘ Yoma 3:8-8:9
- Why is God's name "ineffable" and what does that actually mean?
- The Jewish prayerbook is full of echoes from the time of Messiah
- Is God's kingdom a geographical political entity, or is it even bigger?
- Yom Kippur doesn't work in these two situations
- Beautiful midrash from a word meaning "hope" and "baptismal tank"
#40 β‘ Sukkah 1:4-3:12
#40 β‘ Sukkah 1:4-3:12
- How do you know what a Sukkah is...and isn't?
- Why were the disciples sleeping under the Rabbi's bed?
- Why did Shammai the sage tear a hole in his in-law's roof?
- Was Yeshua the only Hebrew guru who told parables?
- The Jewish holiday when they shake it...like shake the lulav.
#41 β‘ Sukkah 3:13-4:7
#41 β‘ Sukkah 3:13-4:7
- Why didn't Jared Kushner's romantic bouquet have any flowers?
- Dr. John Gill's Hebraic Bible commentary is gorgeous and FREE
- Why did John specify which day Yeshua said "If anyone is thirsty"?
- This "takanot of the Rabbis" literally kept people from losing an eye
- The commandments are the seeds of Kingdom culture, that's so positive!
#42 β‘ Sukkah 4:1-5:4Β
#42 β‘ Sukkah 4:1-5:4Β
- What was happening on "the last day, the great day of the feast"?
- Here's how I came to grips with commandments that aren't in the written Torah
- The Mishnah displays internal evidence of historical accuracy
- The lost meaning of "Siloam" charges the old story with new power
- They're doing the ancient Water Libation ceremony in Jerusalem again!
#43 β‘ Beitzah 1:8-4:5
#43 β‘ Beitzah 1:8-4:5
- Why is Abraham's bosom the Hebrew version of "happily ever after"?
- The real Hillel sandwich was two Gamliels between three Shimons
- Sometimes the Jewish religious leaders followed Rabbi Yeshua's teachings!
- One of the 1050 NT commandments is...do everything in Yeshua's name.
- "Many bodies physically, one soul spiritually" explains God, Messiah, and us
#44 β‘ Beitzah 5:2-5:7
#44 β‘ Beitzah 5:2-5:7
- What's better for relationships, you in judging mode or perceiving mode?
- The "if this, then how much more that" equation in Jewish logic
- What's pictured by snowflakes, olive oil, crystal, and frankincense resin?
- The Jewish concept of the merit of the righteous in a Messianic context
- How is "worthy" compatible with "by grace through faith"?
#45 β‘ Rosh Hashanah 1:1-2:2
#45 β‘ Rosh Hashanah 1:1-2:2
- If Nisan's the first month why is the new year in Tishrei?
- The Torah calls it "Yom Teruah" so where did "Rosh Hashanah" come from?
- Upon which dates is it believed that God decides for food, water, and physical life?
- Women, gamblers, and traffickers couldn't testify, what did Yeshua think?
- Imagine carrying a staff to fight thugs en route to Jerusalem!
- How were the Lubavitch Rebbe's emissaries similar to Yeshua's apostles?
#46 β‘ Rosh Hashanah 2:2-2:4
#46 β‘ Rosh Hashanah 2:2-2:4
- How did New Moon signal fires foretell the spread of Yeshua's movement?
- Why does Judaism expect two Messiahs, sons of Joseph and David?
- How does rough rope symbolize who Yeshua is and what he does?
- Did you know "serpent" and "Messiah" have the same numerical value?
- These year-long performances will inspire you to view your life as art.
#47 β‘ Rosh Hashanah 2:4-7
#47 β‘ Rosh Hashanah 2:4-7
- The nickname for the Mount of Olives pointed to Yeshua in startling ways
- Setting the NT in its Semitic context is hard work! Here's an example.
- Which directions can you go in the fifth dimension you can't in the four?
- Here's how the title "midwife" is one of Hebrew's highest compliments.
- John the Baptist's most cryptic statement was Hebrew wordplay, that's why.
- Why is Ramadan at a different time every year but Passover isn't?
#48 β‘ Rosh Hashanah 2:8-4:9
#48 β‘ Rosh Hashanah 2:8-4:9
- Fights about the calendar are nothing new, so what did the sages do?
- A beautiful story about the relationship between rabbi and disciple
- Why does the Hebrew word for Torah-observance also means Exodus?
- "Our Father who art in Heaven", is that a Christian or a Jewish prayer?
- How much of the synagogue service is from Yeshua's time and WWJD?
#49 β‘ Ta'anit 1:1-1:7
#49 β‘ Ta'anit 1:1-1:7
- Did you know Israel gets about as much rain as Sudan?
- When are the "early and latter rains", anyway?
- Why do Jews pray for rain in the blessing of the resurrection?
- How long did it take to hike from Babylon to Israel?
- Why did Yeshua say to anoint yourself when fasting?
- The bittersweet experience of walking the spiritual path
#50 β‘ Ta'anit 2:1-2:10Β
#50 β‘ Ta'anit 2:1-2:10Β
- Why were the people of Nazareth putting ashes on their heads?
- How does the Holy Spirit feel about liturgy and orders of service?
- Is it ok to call the books of Joshua to Revelation "Torah" or not?
- Some words from the heart if you're empty or angry
- What can you learn from the Jewish practice of praying Scripture?
- What's different about Mondays and Thursdays for Jews?
#51 β‘ Ta'anit 3:3-3:9
#51 β‘ Ta'anit 3:3-3:9
- Why did people blow shofars in ancient times?
- Is there internal evidence the Mishnah is historically accurate?
- Here's how helpmeet means "Hero" and not "Hamburger Helper"
- What do the Hebrew letters on Izzy's fingers spell?
- The story of Choni who wouldn't leave his prayer circle untilβ¦
- If the Hallel is Psalms 113 to 118, what's the Great Hallel?
#52 β‘ Ta'anit 4:1-4:8Β
#52 β‘ Ta'anit 4:1-4:8Β
- If synagogues aren't commanded in Torah, where did they come from?
- How can you prove that the Jews are really Jews?
- How old are Jewish liturgical rites like Mussaf and Neilah?
- What do the events of 4.17 and 5.9 tell you about the Hebrew calendar?
- Why is it incredible the families of David and Jonadab were still around?
- Why remember "family over beauty" when watching dancing girls?
#53 β‘ Megillah 1:8-3:3
#53 β‘ Megillah 1:8-3:3
- How are the names and themes of the Esther and Apocalypse scrolls related?
- Why is the Hebrew font called Assyrian, and how was that different from Phoenician?
- Why did the Hanukkah heroes call Greek language and culture "mud"?
- In Mishnaic Hebrew you'd say "Yeshua ha'MASHUACH" but should you?
- If the Ceremonial Law is "obsolete" why do the prophets say we'll be doing it in the future?
- Are synagogues holy places? How about the Temple Mount? Picture time!
#54 β‘ Megillah 3:4-4:1
#54 β‘ Megillah 3:4-4:1
- Why is the whole week called the Sabbath in Hebrew?
- Why is the story of Amalek read for the festival of Purim?Β
- Here's why it's hard for empaths to read R-rated Bible stories
- If Decem is 10 why isn't December the 10th month anymore?
- How many people read from the Torah on Mondays and Thursdays?
- Did the authors of the New Testament do the synagogue prayers?
- How do you prove to Black Hebrew Israelites that the Jews are really Jews?
#57 β‘ Moed Katan & Chagigah 1:1
#57 β‘ Moed Katan & Chagigah 1:1
- Are the middle days of Passover and Tabernacles holy or "profane"?
- Did Paul get his analogy of irrigated versus naturally watered fields from the Mishnah?
- Are you spiritually mature? How about your congregation? Here's how to tell.
- This Greek word used in Mishnah, Peshitta, and Delitzsch NT is spelled four different ways.
- What does Jewish law do with people whose gender is both, neither, or unknown?
- See the boy riding on his Abba's shoulders and going up to the Temple? Adorbs.
#58 β‘ Chagigah 1:7-2:2
#58 β‘ Chagigah 1:7-2:2
- Do you know what the Hebrew word "Pharisee" literally mean?
- Why do Jewish people say their mission is "Tikkun Olam" and where's that in Scripture?
- Are Yeshua's "greatest/least commandments" and "weighty matters of the Law" in Mishnah also?
- What did the sages do with the 'literal six days' and 'conflicting creation accounts' controversies?
- Let's get romantic and talk about hearing Yeshua's voice and seeing his face in...Rabbinic writings!
- What can the Jewish institution of discipleship teach us about our relationship with the Master?
- How did the centuries-old leadership structure in Israel change around 30 A.D., and why?
- Did you hear about the old Essene named Menachem and his prophecy to boy Herod?