Mishnah Snapshots
Volume 3: Women
#59 ✡ Yevamot 1:1
#59 ✡ Yevamot 1:1
- Did the Sadducees plagiarize their story from the Mishnah?
- What are the different Hebrew words for the revival of the dead?
- Is your Torah-observance powered by the resurrection?
- Polygamy? The Hebrew term for "fellow-wife" will surprise you.
- Did Yeshua tell his disciples they'd go through the Great Tribulation?
- Is there evidence the Master expected us to keep keeping Shabbat?
#60 ✡ Yevamot 2:5-6:6
#60 ✡ Yevamot 2:5-6:6
- Here's an example of why the Jewish stereotype is "smart"
- Let's talk about your brain's two modes, judging and perceiving
- Does matrilineal Jewishness have support in ancient law?
- Can women be priests? Is there a Hebrew word for female priests?
- How is the Jewish wedding a picture of Christ and his church?
- Why does this epithet for Yeshua mean to postpone a decision?
- What's the connection between Baal and the modern sex industry?
- Did you hear about the other Martha?
- Have you ever hammered out the commandment to be fruitful?
#61 ✡ Yevamot 7:3-16:7
#61 ✡ Yevamot 7:3-16:7
- How is "being Hebrew" pictured by pregnancy and leap years?
- If "women shall be saved through childbearing" what do men do?
- Was there any way in which the Son of God was greater than the Father?
- Does Hebrew ever jumble those three-letter roots around?
- What did the ritual of Levirate marriage look like in Yeshua's time?
- Why are we called "Holy Language" Institute?
- Why do children come from the verb for construction?
- Have you ever experienced the voice of God as a "bat kol"?
- The insights in this concluding story are too many to list
#62 ✡ Ketubot 1:1-2:10
#62 ✡ Ketubot 1:1-2:10
- What does the Jewish wedding ketubah say, is it romantic?
- Why are Jewish weddings on Tuesday now but not in the Mishnah?
- Why are plants and animals consistent but humans are flippy?
- Why did Saul of Tarsus sign his epistles with his own hand?
- Was it legal or contradictory for Yeshua to testify about himself?
- Swearing by the Temple, was that actually a thing?
- What if we all called God "Dad" when we talked about him?
#63 ✡ Ketubot 4:3-5:5
#63 ✡ Ketubot 4:3-5:5
- Could God's laws be arrived at rationally or only by revelation?
- Why does the Torah take sex outside of marriage so seriously?
- Why did Paul say children are holy because of a believing parent?
- What's with them playing flutes because Jairus' daughter died?
- How did those personal little details get into the Gospel of Mark?
- The messengers sent to get the bride were called "apostles"...?!
- How long was betrothal and what did they do in the meantime?
- How does this rare word picture the impassioned bridegroom?
- What did a homemaker 2000 years ago do to keep busy?
- Why did Izzy bring his kerosene lamp and "siwash" to show and tell?
#64 ✡ Ketubot 5:6-13:10
#64 ✡ Ketubot 5:6-13:10
- Did Yeshua tell his guys to leave their families to follow him?
- Where did Paul get his "different body parts" metaphor from?
- Women's head coverings, was that Jewish culture or Torah law?
- How does the Mishnah underscore our need for the Gospel?
- How many one-letter prefixes can be used? Ever seen three?
- Why do the stories of brides with disabilities make us emotional?
- Why did Simon the tanner live by the sea and not in town?
- Which Hebrew NT is best? Let's look at a verse in five of them.
- How could it be a compliment to call someone "homely"?
- Women's rights. Was Jewish law leading or failing?
#65 ✡ Nedarim 1:1-2:4
#65 ✡ Nedarim 1:1-2:4
- Why does Torah say to make vows and Yeshua says don't?
- How many of these dumb vows make you laugh or facepalm?
- Why does James say condemnation and Paul says no?
- If phylacteries weren't literal why didn't Jesus mention that?
- Why do Jews say they "lay" tefillin instead of "putting them on"?
- The "four headed" letter that goes on the "forehead" OOOHHH
- What if there weren't vowels and we confused tefillin and teflon?
- Did you hear the one about the two upside down Nuns?
- Why did the sages say there were seven books of Torah?
- Why did the Judeans think Galileans were ignorant?
- Betcha can't guess Epictetus's name for the early Christians.
#66 ✡ Nedarim 2:4-3:7
#66 ✡ Nedarim 2:4-3:7
- Why did the last pagan Caesar start building the Third Temple?
- How anti-Torah was early Christianity by the mid-300s?
- How many of these rash vows make you roll your eyes?
- Does Mishnah confirm the Gospel of Mark on "corban"?
- How does price negotiation beautifully picture the Gospel?
- Were tax-collectors dangerous or just annoying?
- Did you see the first multi-season show about Yeshua yet?
- Why does the sun in the far north look like a giant eyeball?
- If God knows everyone why will he say "I never knew you"?
#67 ✡ Nedarim 3:10-9:7
#67 ✡ Nedarim 3:10-9:7
- Why were Jews infamous for garlic breath?
- Did Paul speak highly of physical circumcision?
- What are Midrash, Halacha, Hagada, and Mikra?
- How does this pejorative for Jesus also mean "guilt-bearer"?
- Have you seen Chagall's crucifixion of the Jewish Christ?
- Is vicarious suffering and atonement a Jewish belief?
- Did you hear Junior Asparagus singing about kosher and tzitzit?
- How did Luke and Paul feel about the Day of Atonement?
- How old are the 5 traditional Yom Kippur taboos?
- Does Mishnah ever agree with our Master's critiques?
- Have you heard of the BALL CHOOVA movement in Judaism?
- Did you know Paul's advice to Timothy was Mishnaic?
- Were Paul's "one/first > all" equations from the Mishnah?
#68 ✡ Nazir 1:1-2:4
#68 ✡ Nazir 1:1-2:4
- What's the difference between Nazarite and Nazarene?
- Was "I won't drink this fruit of the vine until…" a Nazarite vow?
- Why did Jacob call Joseph a "nazirite"?
- How much of this 9-chapter convo has crossed your mind?
- Why did the Sages start discouraging Nazarite vows?
- Try not to laugh at these gooftastic "vow-not-vows"!
#69 ✡ Nazir 2:5-9:4
#69 ✡ Nazir 2:5-9:4
- Were you actually allowed to pay for other Nazirites?
- Could you do a Nazirite vow outside the land of Israel?
- Why did the apostle Paul have his head shaved in Cenchrea?
- Why could you be lashed for eating grapes or raisins?
- Ever notice the connection between concept and conception?
- Why did Izzy take a yearlong Nazirite vow when he was 25?
#70 ✡ Nazir: Paul's Vow
#70 ✡ Nazir: Paul's Vow
- Why did Paul take a vow in Corinth specifically?
- Was Paul's vow Nazirite or something else?
- Did Paul have integrity or was he deceptive?
- Why do some commentators think it was Aquila?
- Why are many Christian commentaries so anti-Jewish?
#71 ✡ Nazir: Torah-Observant Paul 1
#71 ✡ Nazir: Torah-Observant Paul 1
- Is it ok for believers to be zealous for the Law?
- Do Jews/Gentiles have the same relationship to Torah?
- Did Paul teach Jewish believers to be Torah-observant?
- Which ceremony of purification did Paul do?
- Did Paul actually offer animal sacrifices in the Temple?
#72 ✡ Nazir: Torah-Observant Paul 2
#72 ✡ Nazir: Torah-Observant Paul 2
- How has Christianity done representing Yeshua to his people?
- Were James and Paul mistaken, as commentators allege?
- Will we be offering sacrifices in the Millenium?
- Commentators using Paul's letters to criticize Paul...really?
- Have you repented of historic Christian antisemitism?
#73 ✡ Sotah 1:7-7:7
#73 ✡ Sotah 1:7-7:7
- Where is 'measure for measure' in Mishnah and Gospel?
- If kohen is priest, what's priestess?
- Did the Master use Hebrew/Aramaic wordplay?
- Which Siddur prayers are from Yeshua's time?
- What's the difference between Mashiach and Mashuach?
- What does it mean that Torah was written in 70 languages?
- Was the Sacred Name said during the Aaronic Benediction?
- Which elements of the Synagogue service are 2000 years old?
#74 ✡ Sotah 7:8 (Herod 1)
#74 ✡ Sotah 7:8 (Herod 1)
Eight Eerie Similarities between Herod the Great and Yeshua of Nazareth: Appointed by his father, he comes into his own in Galilee at the age of 30. At the age of 33 he is defeated by his enemies and disappears. After a long journey he returns as King of the Jews with an army, retakes the country from a psychotic villain, and rebuilds the Temple. Jesus? Nope. This is the story of Herod the Great. And we haven't even gotten to the uncanny parallels between his grandson Agrippa (who shows up in this Mishnaic Tractate) and Yeshua! Who will it be, the counterfeit or the true King?
#75 ✡ Sotah 7:8 (Herod 2)
#75 ✡ Sotah 7:8 (Herod 2)
How Herod the Great prepared the way for Yeshua of Nazareth: If you like pictures you'll love this study. From the Temple with its wonderful stones and buildings, to the desert castle of Machaerus where Yochanan the Immerser spent his last days, to the Praetorium where the Master stood trial, to the Southern Steps where Shaul of Tarsus testified to a rioting crowd, to Caesaria with the biggest man-made harbour in the world where Cornelius was stationed and the Holy Spirit was first poured out on non-Jews, seeing twelve of the biggest building projects of Herod the grandfather of Agrippa will make the story of Yeshua and his movement come alive for you like never before.
#76 ✡ Sotah 9:6-15
#76 ✡ Sotah 9:6-15
- Why the ESV’s minority interpretation of Deuteronomy 21:8?
- The sages agree that it’s the Holy Spirit who preaches the Gospel!
- How does the ritual for unsolved murders foretell Messiah’s atonement?
- Why is the bride carried around on a chair at Jewish weddings?
- Why is he called “James the Less”? Less than what?
- What was the special term Pharisees used for each other?
- This reference to “Our Father in Heaven” will encourage you
- What do Jews expect will happen before Messiah comes?
- What can you do to experience more of the Holy Spirit?
#77 ✡ Gittin 4:2-4:6
#77 ✡ Gittin 4:2-4:6
- What did the trendy phrase “Tikkun Olam” originally mean?
- What are Karaite teachings so BAD for the Hebrew Roots movement?
- See for yourself: were these “takanot” really against Torah?
- What was the chain of Jewish leadership from Yeshua to the Mishnah?
- Heard of the the Hillel Sandwich? This is the Shimon-Gamliel double-decker!
- Why should I consult the Jewish Encyclopedia more? And where?
- Why was the shedding of Yeshua’s blood such a powerful statement?
- Another example of a guy making a really dumb vow.
#78 ✡ Gittin 4:5-9:10
#78 ✡ Gittin 4:5-9:10
- How do you explain the Torah condoning slavery?
- What's the first commandment in the Bible?
- Have any encouragement for me if I'm single?
- How does the Hebrew for NOT doing away with the Law mean more?
- How do you prove to Hebrew Israelites that white Jews aren't fake?
- How did the Apostles and Rabbis both prioritize shalom?
- Did you know the Mishnah sometimes uses the Greek word for Torah?
- This is God inviting you to get alone with him…and why.
- Why is it surprising what Jewish people called their Dads?
- Did Yeshua side with Hillel or Shammai on the divorce issue?
#79 ✡ Kiddushin 1:2-1:10
#79 ✡ Kiddushin 1:2-1:10
- How is marriage a picture of holiness?
- How long did couples wait between betrothal and marriage?
- Is there a difference between servant and slave mentalities?
- Why does Scripture say to owe nothing to anyone?
- How did legal manumission preach the Gospel?
- What exactly was nailed to the cross? The Law, or...?
- Is there a correlation between obedience and blessing?
#80 ✡ Kiddushin 1:7-4:14
#80 ✡ Kiddushin 1:7-4:14
- How did Yeshua's adopted father Joseph raise him?
- Why do some commandments only apply to men, or in Israel?
- Could a man legally betroth his beloved through his 'apostle'?
- Is there a difference between "apostles" and "Apostles"?
- How are spiritual gifts, and sufferings, betrothal gifts?
- What exactly was the job description of a scribe?
- How were Yeshua's titles "Carpenter" and "Amen" connected?
- How did Jewish people feel about doctors in the first century?