Hebrew Quest
Get Closer To Yeshua Through Hebrew
Welcome to Hebrew Quest, our foundational course! The goal of this program isn't just to teach you the basics of Biblical Hebrew, although it will do that. The goal is to help you get closer to Rabbi Yeshua through his holy language.
As you can see from the sample video clips below, your Hebrew Quest lessons happen in several settings with Izzy wearing a variety of costumes to make things fun. In the construction set you'll learn grammar and how the language is "built". In the Middle Eastern set you'll learn about the Jewish context of the Bible as you read from the ancient scrolls. And in the classroom set you'll learn valuable information about the language and history of the Bible.
Β πΊοΈ Directory
π½οΈ Video Samples
βοΈ Starter Checklist
Congratulations as you take the first step of your Hebrew quest! I know, you just want to get started with your first lesson. Please work through this quick checklist anyway. It'll help you have the best experience possible and some of it you'll actually need.
SUBSCRIBEΒ If you haven't already do so, become a member so you can watch the videos.Β
GET STUDENT MANUALΒ Order here or download the PDF at this members-only link. You'll see three other useful but optional resources at that link too: Essentials of Biblical Hebrew, Study Notes, and the audio files of Hebrew Quest. You can also order Essentials here.
START A GROUP?Β How would you feel about starting a Hebrew Quest study group? Send the link to this page (holylanguage.com/quest) to the people you know and ask if they'd be interested. You could also add your contact info to the bottom of this poster and put it up at your congregation or around the neighbourhood. You'll never know unless you try! (And yes you have our special permission to play the lessons for the group from your account - or you could order the DVDs below.)
SPEEDΒ I deliberately spoke slowly in Hebrew Quest to aid understanding and retention for both foreign and native English speakers. Look for the 'Speed' option in the bottom right corner if it's too slow for you.
NAME OF GODΒ When I filmed Hebrew Quest I read God's name as "Yahweh". While this is a relatively common practice in academic circles, since then I've become convicted of the importance of following Yeshua's example of saying "Adonai" etc. instead of using the Sacred Name. For more please watch my Sacred Name series on the Bible Reviews page.
That's it, you're ready to start with Lesson One!
π Order Manuals/DVDs
Rather order a nice-looking student manual than print one off? Want a copy of the DVDs for a group or no internet? We've got you covered!
π Memrise
Memrise (rhymes with THEM-wise) is an independent language learning platform using the flashcard method and a gaming format that can be played through computer browser or phone app. To help build your vocabulary we created a massive course on Memrise containing the keywords and phrases you'll encounter in Hebrew Quest. (Have questions or need more help? See the Memrise FAQs.)
#1 - Introduction To Hebrew 1 | Our Learning Philosophy
Introduction to Hebrew: Part 1 (47 minutes)
Did you know you can already identify half the letters in the ancient Hebrew alphabet because they look like English? And that you already know oodles of Hebrew terms from the names and words in the Old and New Testaments? Let's start there!
Our Learning Philosophy (45 minutes)
What's the difference between giving you a fish and teaching you how to fish? How did you learn your first language as a child? How do we apply these principles in this course, and how can you hack your brain to make the most of your learning time?
#2 - Introduction to Hebrew 2 | Hebrew Alphabet | Aleph
Introduction to Hebrew: Part 2 (43 minutes)
Why is this language different than all other languages? Hebrew has that horking sound, reads backwards, runs like an action film, doesn't capitalize anything, has secret codes, is only made of 22 letters which are also pictures and numbers, and that's just the beginning.
Introduction to Letters Course (5 minutes)
Thought this would just be reading, writing, and arithmetic? Nope! The 22 letters are like sages with names, faces, and wisdom to guide you. And from the symbolism of their pictographs and structures to their numerical equivalents, they will point you to the Messiah.
Aleph (42 minutes)
How can this letter be both strong and silent, and how can you turn your attempts to write it into an exercise of burning devotion? Which letter is its mate? And how does Aleph's structure portray God as Father, Son, and Spirit, Messiah as ladder between heaven and earth, and you as soul between body and spirit?
#3 - Philosophy: Childlikeness | Bet & Gimel | Why Hebrew 1: Discipleship
Alephbet 1: Childlikeness (5 minutes)
Why did Yeshua say people had to become like children to get into his kingdom? And what do children do, anyway? Could learning your Hebrew ABCs somehow be a part of it?
Betβ (26 minutes)
What does Bet's 'open floor plan' say about hospitality, and how does it challenge you to be intentional about leaving a legacy starting now? How does Bet symbolize the Son of God by appearing as the first letter in the Torah, sitting at the right hand of Aleph, and connecting all the letters to the first?
Gimel (31 minutes)
If Aleph is Father and Bet is Son, are you surprised that Gimel represents the Spirit and also means camel's hair cloak and pictures John the Baptizer? What does this letter teach about how to show generosity to the poor, and how not to? Why does the middle verse in the Torah contain a Gimel of unusual size, and why are there crowns on seven letters starting with this one?
Why Hebrew 1: Discipleship (26 minutes)
If discipleship is all about becoming like your teacher, could reading Yeshua's Bible be part of that? Are you following in his footsteps by learning a little Hebrew? And why did Paul specifically mention that Yeshua spoke to him in Hebrew on the road to Damascus?
#4 - Philosophy 2: Simple Prayer | Dalet & Hei | History 1: Original Language
Alephbet 2: Simple Prayer (5 minutes)
Everything that God could say to you, and that you could say to him, is contained in just 22 letters. So what if you just slowly prayed those letters to God with a heart brimming with love and let him spell it all out? There's an old Jewish story about a man who did just that.
Dalet (11 minutes)
If four is the number of the physical world - think points on a compass, seasons of the year, dimensions of space and time - how does the fourth letter pantomime the tension of living in the flesh and prophesy that the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord? Oh and the connection between Dalet's pictograph and the spellings of the fourth tribe of Israel and the name of God will blow you away.
Hei (23 minutes)
How is this breathy symbol with an open side and bottom a window into the spiritual dimension, and why is it tiny in the creation story? How does this letter make the law and commandments feminine, and what does that tell you about authentic womanhood? And - hey! - how did it turn Abram and Sarai into Abraham and Sarah?
Hebrew History 1: Original Language (29 minutes)
Why have the Jewish people always believed that Hebrew was the original language of humanity, and why did the early Christians share this belief? Is there any evidence? How about the meanings of the names of everybody before Babel, and how the names from Adam to Noah preach the gospel with visceral realism and power?
#5 - Philosophy 3: Yeshuaβs Words | Vav & Zayin | Why Hebrew 2: Bible Study
Alephbet 3: "Not the smallest letter" (11 minutes)
God, Messiah, and the Torah are one. What does that say about the Torah, and how does it explain Yeshua's words about the smallest Hebrew letter in the Law? How is each letter in the alephbet like a person, and what does that say about you and me? And how are the number of letters in the Torah and the acronym Yisrael both beautiful reflections of God's oneness with faithful Israel?
Vav (28 minutes)
How does the letter that means "and" picture humans as spirit and flesh with both angelic and animalistic sides? Why is the Vav in the middle of the Torah written really big, and why is it broken in the book after? What are the columns in a Torah scroll intended to picture and why is that so Messianic? And here's an example of how the New Testament is given an anti-Torah spin that isn't there in the original.
Zayinβ (26 minutes)
If Zayin pictures a weapon, what does this letter teach about spiritual warfare? If Vav is physical man and Zayin is spiritual man, why does Vav face one way and Zayin faces two ways? How does the seventh letter with its three crowns represent the seventh day, and what's the secret message behind the huge Zayin at the end of the book of Malachi?
Why Hebrew 2: Bible Study (18 minutes)
Joshua 1 and Psalm 1 say that the path to happiness and prosperity lies in a life of delight and constant meditation in the Torah. Does that mean Hebrew study could contribute to your joy and success in life? And when Paul said that "all Scripture is inspired by God and profitable" was the New Testament written yet or was he talking about the Hebrew Bible?
#6 - Philosophy 4: Glory | Chet, Tet, Yod | History 2: From Eber to Israel
Alephbet 4: Glory (2 minutes)
Paul said that the Torah which was written in letters carved into stone was a revelation of the glory of God. Are you just learning a language or are you on a quest for the glory of God, approaching every letter as a step towards the manifest presence of God? Somebody say "glory"!
Chet (32 minutes)
How does the old version of this letter depict an ark complete with three levels and eight people? How does the new version picture the transcendent dimensionΒ where God exists, two weapons reconciled, and the Jewish wedding canopy? How does this letter celebrate the unity of Jews and Gentiles in Messiah? And how are the numerical equivalents in Isaac's name a prophecy of the resurrection?
Tet (23 minutes)
Are you surprised that the conception letter comes after the marriage letter, or that it's the same number as the months of gestation? How does Tet picture the dualities of potentiality/actuality and good/evil, and does the equal numerical value of "Messiah" and "serpent" tie into that? And how does the benevolence letter look like it's giving without letting the other hand know?
Yod (20 minutes)
Then comes the baby letter! Why did Yeshua mention Yod specifically, and what are the "tittles" anyway? If you can't keep the whole Torah should you bother at all? How does the smallest letter best represent God, and did you know about the double Yod in the creation story? How is this letter a sobering warning that few make it through the narrow gate to the world to come?
Hebrew History 2: From Eber to Israel (18 minutes)
Why is Hebrew called "Hebrew", and what does "Hebrew" mean in Hebrew anyway? Who was the first person to speak the language, and what has Israel's relationship with it looked like over the thousands of years? Why is Hebrew called "Judean" in the book of Isaiah, and did the Jews stop speaking it in Babylon? Is that why Nehemiah was punching those guys and pulling their hair?
#7 - Philosophy 5: Sign | Kaph & Lamed | Why Hebrew 3: Mission
Alephbet 5: Oat Porridge (4 minutes)
How does the Hebrew word for the letters sound like breakfeast cereal? And how does it illustrate what we're saying in this little series about each letter signifying spiritual realities?
Kaph (30 minutes)
What does this curvacious letter teach us about the rabbi/disciple relationship, and how does the dot in it picture Yeshua's spirit in us? What's the secret to becoming more productive for the Kingdom? What should you do if you're feeling "out of it" at work, congregation, or in your marriage? And how does Kaph empathize with our brokenness and at the same time give us hope?
Lamed (14 minutes)
How is the tallest letter a reminder that your highest calling is to follow Yeshua and that your core identity is as his disciple? How does it challenge you to make your studies a quest to personally know God and his heart? And what's the message behind it being the last letter in the Torah and in the name Israel?
Why Hebrew 3: Mission (42 minutes)
Why did Paul say the good news is "first for the Jew" and does that still apply today? Why has the church done such a miserable job of this and what can you do to change that? What are the two missional principles that every believer should know? And how can Hebrew study help you reach Muslims and help the Chinese "Back to Jerusalem" movement succeed?
#8 - Philosophy 6: Atomic Elements | Mem, Nun, Samech | History 3: Judea
Alphbet 6: Cosmic Elements (9 minutes)
Just as the elements of the periodic table combine to form compounds with new properties, the Hebrew letters combine to form words with new meanings. And the parallels don't stop there! It will take your breath away to hear the ancient Jewish term for these combinations and to see the results of the math equation tallying up the atomic numbers of the four most basic elements.
Mem (15 minutes)
How was the closed Mem which was intentionally left open a prophecy of Jerusalem's destruction by the Romans, and how does the open Mem which was intentionally closed a prediction of the virgin birth? How does this letter foretell a Messiah whose identity would be concealed? And how does Egypt symbolize addictions and mean "double trouble"?
Nun (32 minutes)
How does Nun with its bent and straight positions picture Yeshua as pre-existent, heir apparent, Jubilee bringer, source of abundent life and growth, and humbled and exalted son of David? Why does God call Israel "Jeshurun"? Why did the sages say there were seven books in the Torah, and why did they say the lost ten tribes would be symbolized by the Ichthus?
Samech (9 minutes)
How does this circular letter picture our infinite Creator who surrounds us as the "Ein Sof"? What does its first usage in the Torah tell us about a woman's power in a marriage relationship? And why does the bride walk around the groom seven times in a Jewish wedding?
Hebrew History 3: Language of Judea (15 minutes)
Was Hebrew Yeshua's mother tongue? Yes. Here's the evidence from the Bible, inscriptions on the Temple Mount and Masada, the Dead Sea scrolls, Bar Kochba coins and letters, Josephus, and the Mishnah and Midrash. How about Aramaic Greek and Latin, how widespread were those languages in the time of Jesus? Let's find out!
#9 - Ayin, Peh, Tzaddi | Why Hebrew 4: Restoration | History 4: Early Church
Alephbet 7: Chromosomes (2 minutes)
In our previous alephbet discussion we discovered the chilling parallels between the atomic elements upon which the universe is built and the Hebrew letters upon which the Tanach is built. Now let's look at the chromosomes upon which the human body is built, discover yet more incredible parallels with the Hebrew letters, and contemplate what that means for the spiritual body of Messiah.Β
Ayin (26 minutes)
What does the "eye" letter say about why you need vision, how to get it, and how it can destroy you? How can you live with one eye in this world and one in the world to come, and what are the Hebrew terms for those future eras? Why should you read prophecy literally, and where did allegory come from? And why doesn't Revelation give any details about what the 1000 year reign of Christ will look like?!
Peh (11 minutes)
How can listening to the "mouth" letter keep you from sticking your foot in your mouth? How does its relationship to the "eye" letter teach you to look before speaking and check your sources? Did you know James used this letter as a pun in his epistle but it only makes sense in Hebrew? How did its gematria foretell that Moses would be sent at age 80 and that Messiah would start his ministry at 30?
Tzaddi (26 minutes)
If you can say "pizza" then you can say this letter. How can the "hook" letter help you become more attractive, like Yeshua who was the "friend of sinners" and said he'd draw all people to himself? Is Jewish spirituality right in saying that you can connect to God through connecting to a "tzaddik", a righteous person with a deep connection to God? Is Messiah our "tzaddik"?
Why Hebrew 4: Restoration (15 minutes)
There's only one verse in the Hebrew Bible that has every letter in it and it will shock you to see where it is in relation to the verse where God says he'll restore the "pure language"! If the descendants of the first church of Jerusalem were fluent in Hebrew as history informs us, could the "restoration" prophesied by Messiah and his emissaries include a Hebrew rennaissance too?
Hebrew History 4: Yeshua's Movement (17 minutes)
Christ read the Bible and prayed in Hebrew, and greeted his disciples with "shalom aleichem" after his resurrection. How about Paul, was he a Hebrew or a Hellenist? Why did Luke point out that Yeshua spoke to Saul in Hebrew on the Damascus road, or that Paul addressed the Jerusalem mob in Hebrew? And what did Epiphanius say centuries later about the "sect of the Nazarenes"?
#10 - Philosophy 8: Math | Quph & Resh | History 5: Hebrew New Testament
Alephbet 8: 27 Letters (2 minutes)
In our previous two discussions we touched on the thought that thereβs something about the Hebrew letters thatβs basic and elemental, thatβs comprehensive and all-encompassing. This concept is further reinforced when weΒ follow the trajectory of the mathematical total of the Hebrew letters with their final forms and the number of completion in its completed form.
Alephbet 9: God, People, and Stuff (2 minutes)
If you were to break all of existence down to its most basic boundaries, what would you find? How about God, people, and matter? Is there a reflection of this Jewish understanding in Paul's distinctions between spirit, soul, and body? And what do the Hebrew letters teach us about God in the realm of Divinity, us in the realm of Souls, and the universe we live in, in the realm of Worlds?
Quph (25 minutes)
Why do archaeologists know that clay pots with this letter were used in the Holy Temple? How can you tell the difference between fake holiness and the real thing? And how does this letter picture genuine holiness with its two separated components, the three words those parts spell, how it's the only letter to plunge below the line, and how it means..."monkey"?
Resh (21 minutes)
Why is Resh the "wicked" letter, and what does its relationship with the "holy" letter tell you about God's relationship with damaged humanity? What's the difference between the Greek and Hebrew approaches of "understand to do" versus "do to understand"? How does the similarity between Resh and Dalet explain why Jews are so careful to emphasize the "d" in "echad" when saying the Shema?
Hebrew History 5: New Testament Primacy 1 (35 minutes)
Does it matter which language the New Testament was written in, and is there any evidence for a Hebrew or Aramaic original? How about the testimony of the church fathers, Semitic idioms that don't make sense in Greek, transliterated Semitic terms, underlying Semitic grammar, errors in the Greek manuscripts not present in Hebrew/Aramaic, and the Semitic background of the NT authors?Β
#11 - Philosophy 10: Life | Shin & Tav | History 5: Aramaic New Testament
Alephbet 10: Resurrection (5 minutes)
The sages of ancient Israel believed that behind every letter of the Torah was the power to raise the dead, if taught in the right spirit. Do we see this concept reflected anywhere in the Apostolic Scriptures? Yes, in three places! Let's talk about how to make your Hebrew studies experiences that are life-giving down to the very letter.
Shin (36 minutes)
When is sin not bad? When it's this letter! How does the "fire" letter symbolize the cloven tongues of fire on Pentecost, and how does it picture the Father, Son, and Spirit? Why do Jews put a regular Shin on their mezuzahs and a special four-headed Shin on their phylacteries? And why is the enlarged Shin at the beginning of the Song of Songs so romantic?
Tav (34 minutes)
Why does the "truth" letter have two feet when the three "lying" letters going before it each have one foot? Have you ever seen how the letters for "truth" are encoded in Genesis? Is it an accident that the original form of this letter was a cross? Why did Yeshua say he's the Aleph and the...this letter? And how does the Tav explain that Messiah didn't become sin, but rather a sin offering?Β
Hebrew History 5: New Testament Primacy 2 (19 minutes)
Meet 26 of the most respected scholars from the 1800s to the present who hold to "Semitic Primacy" (the postion that the NT was written in Hebrew or Aramaic) including a personal friend of Theodore Herzl, the founder of the American School of Archaeology at Jerusalem, a "Nazarene" Jew, a native Aramaic speaker, a Jesuit priest, and one of the leading Dead Sea scrolls authorities.
#12 - Vowels | How to Count in Hebrew | History 6: Famous Christian Hebraists
Vowels (28 minutes)
Hebrew does have vowel letters such as aleph, but they can be pronounced in several different ways. That means it's impossible to know how to pronounce a Hebrew word unless you've heard it before or you use the vowel pointings added by the Masoretes which you'll learn in this section.Β
Grammar 1: Numbers (17 minutes)
Learn the cardinal numbers (one, two three) and the ordinal numbers (first, second, third) in their masculine, feminine, and construct forms.
Hebrew History 6: Christian Hebraists (37 minutes)
Hear the stories and quotes of fourteen famous Christians who loved the "holy tongue". Among them: Translator of the Vulgate. Father of English history. Hero of the Reformation. Translators of the Authorized Version. Governor of Plymouth Colony. Thundering Preacher of the First Great Revival. Founders and Presidents of the universities of Harvard, Yale, and Columbia.
#13 - Gritty Hebrew Grammar | Hebrew History 7: Ben Yehuda & Zionism
Grammar 2: Gender (11 minutes)
Learn the singular, plural, dual, and irregular endings of the masculine and feminine forms.
Grammar 3: Pronouns (17 minutes)
Learn words like I, you, they, it, she, my, their, etc.Β
Grammar 4: Definite Articles (3 minutes)
Learn the one-letter prefix for "the" and discover why it's pronounced two different ways and how it sometimes functions as a question mark.
Grammar 5: Prepositions (10 minutes)
Learn the four one-letter prefixes indicating that something or someone is for in, like, to, or from something or someone else.Β
Grammar 6: Conjunctions (4 minutes)
Learn the one-letter prefix for "and" and when to use the two different ways it's pronounced.
Grammar 7: Adjectives (5 minutes)
Learn how describing words agree with the nouns they describe in gender, number, and definite article and get some recommendations for further resources.
Grammar 8: Syntax (3 minutes)
Learn how the sentence structure of Hebrew is different than English and see for yourself how Hebrew is a dynamic, action-oriented language, right down to the word order in a sentence!
Hebrew History 7: Eliezer Ben-Yehuda (29 minutes)
The story of the man who made Hebrew a modern language is miraculous - the vision in which he was called to "the revival of Israel and its language", his journey to Jerusalem, his survival of decades of tuberculosis, his wife Deborah's success raising the first Hebrew-speaking child in over a millenium. Let the fire that drove this pioneer light you up with a new passion for the holy tongue.
#14 - Izzy's Hebrew Journey | Simple Verbs | Why Hebrew 5: Revival Move of God
Izzyβs Hebrew Journey (39 minutes)
By this time you may be curious to hear your Hebrew teacher's story. How did he learn the language, and what inspired him? Did he grow up Jewish or Christian? Izzy's story here leaves you hanging with him as a 29 year old still filming Hebrew Quest. Since then many wonderful things have happened and his passion to teach Hebrew from a Messiah-centered perspective has grown even stronger!
Simple Verbs (29 minutes)
What if you don't recognize a verb form, can you figure it out from context? Why do they always use the verb "to kill", and how do you run through all the forms of that verb without becoming a dangerous person? If Hebrew doesn't have verb tenses like past present and future, what does it have? And what are the simple forms for complete, incomplete, continuous, and commanding action?
Why Hebrew 5: Movement Figurehead (19 minutes)
Paul wrote with overwhelming hope of a future "fulfillment" and "acceptance" for the Jewish people which would culminate in all Israel being saved. What would he have given to see his words begin to come true in the Messianic Jewish movement today? What would YOU give be be a part of this prophetic move of God? And what role does the Hebrew language play in all this?
#15 - Why Hebrew 7: Sweet Nothings | Complex Verbs | Names of God 1
Why Hebrew 6: Heavenly Language (7 minutes)
Is Hebrew the language of heaven? Why do the angels have Hebrew names? Why are they using Hebrew words like "amen" and "hallelu" before the throne in the book of Revelation? If the heart of prayer is "calling on the name of the LORD", what would happen if you learned the ancient art of praying the names of God?
Why Hebrew 7: Practical Applications (6 minutes)
Hebrew is useful for lots of things, not just reading the Bible. Use it as a conversation starter with Jewish people and Israelis. Incorporate it into your art, music, or life event cards. If you're a preacher let it spice up your sermons. If you're in a relationship whisper sweet nothings to your lover in an exotic language and if you're single put a classical language on your relationship resume.
Complex Verbs (45 minutes)
Now that you've learned the four simple verb forms, let's move on to the seven complex forms. Using the verb "love" these would be to love, to be loved, to love passionately, to be loved passionately, to cause yourself to love passionately, to cause another to love, and to be caused to love. We'll also learn the pronominal suffixes that can go on the front or back of these verb forms.
Names of God 1 (28 minutes)
Have you ever prayed with an exclusive focus on God and who he is? Why not start now as you learn the Hebrew names of God used from Genesis 1 to Exodus 15 including "Spirit of God", "God who sees me", "the LORD will provide", "God Forever", "I am who I am", "Shepherd", and "Yah"?
#16 - Proverbs 1 | Books of the Tanach | Names of God 2
Proverbs 1 (24 minutes)
Proverbs make for great reading because they're short and simple and give you a good feeling every time you finish one! Let's start by reading the line introducing the book's title and author and then read some sayings about your father's "mussar" and your mother's "torah", how to live a long and peaceful life, and how to grow in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and man.
Books of the Tanach (45 minutes)
Why do Jewish people call the Old Testament the "Tanach", and what is this an acronym for? How are the books organized differently than in the Christian Bible, and where are the two places Yeshua referred to the original order of the books? Why are some of the books titled differently too, and how do you pronounce them all in Hebrew?
Names of God 2 (27 minutes)
Continuing in the contemplative stream of prayer that runs through both Christianity and Judaism, learn and pray the Hebrew names of God between Exodus 15 and Deuteronomy 33 including "the LORD your Healer", "Man of War", "the LORD is my banner", "Jealous God", "Consuming Fire", and "Awesome One".Β
#17 - Read Genesis 1 in Hebrew! | Names of God 3
Genesis 1 (47 minutes)
The Hebrew of Genesis 1:1 is incredibly romantic and prophetic. It says that the world was made through the firstborn son who sits at the right hand of God, and that it was made to be the place of his wedding feast. It says there will be six thousand years of history, with Messiah coming twice at Y4K and Y6K when heaven comes to earth. Let's light our clay lamp and explore these mysteries.
Names of God 3 (28 minutes)
Learn and devotionally pray the Hebrew names of God between Deuteronomy 33 and Jeremiah 23 including "Ancient God", "The LORD is my peace", "Rock of my Salvation", "Our Father", and "God who is Near".Β
#18 - Proverbs 2 | Hebrew Names in the New Testament | Names of God 4
Proverbs 2 (16 minutes)
Pick up where you left off reading famous proverbs from chapters 3 to 10 including "trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" and "the memory of the righteous is a blessing".
Hebrew Names in the New Testament (36 minutes)
Every name belongs to a language and means something in that language. Considering the New Testament is by Jews and mostly about Jews, is it any surprise it's full of Hebrew names? Learn the original pronunciation and meaning of names like Salome, Matthew, Saul, and Agabus, and step into the world of Yeshua's first followers.
Names of God 4 (21 minutes)
Read and praise God from his Hebrew names between Jeremiah 23 and Psalm 43 including "Gracious God", "King of Israel", "My Shield", "My High Tower", "The Lord is my Shepherd", and "God of my Life".Β
#19 - Deuteronomy 6: The Shema | Proverbs 3
Deuteronomy 6: The Shema (65 minutes)
How does the greatest commandment begin? If you said "You shall love" you may want to read the Gospel of Mark again where Yeshua says "Hear oh Israel". Learn why the Shema is the greatest prayer in Judaism, what the two enlarged letters spell, what "God is one" means and doesnβt mean, why you can't love if you don't first listen, and then learn to sing Israelβs original statement of faith.
Proverbs 3 (15 minutes)
Read more famous proverbs from chapter 10 including "love covers all transgressions" and "the blessing of the LORD makes rich and he adds no sorrow".
#20 - Matthew 6: Lordβs Prayer in Hebrew | Proverbs 4 | Names of God 5
Matthew 6: Lordβs Prayer (38 minutes)
Considering Yeshua taught this profound prayer in a Semitic language, how special would it be to pray it in a Semitic language? Or even more special, to sing it in this hauntingly beautiful melody that was given to Izzy in a dream? Along the way you'll also encounter depths of meaning in every word that are lost in translation.
Proverbs 4 (23 minutes)
This delicious serving of proverbs from chapters 10 and 11 includes "the desire of the righteous will be granted" and "as a gold ring in a pig's snout", and also explores an ancient alternate reading pointing to the righteous Messiah as the foundation of the world.
Names of God 5 (14 minutes)
Learn and pray the Hebrew names of God used between Psalm 43 and Psalm 136 including "Judge", "God of my Devotion", "My Shelter", "Master of all the Earth", and "God of Heaven". At the end of this section you will have learned all the Hebrew names of God used in the Tanach, approximately 100 in total.
#21 - Genesis 22: Binding of Isaac | Titles of Messiah 1
Genesis 22 (60 minutes)
The Hebrew in the story of Abraham's ultimate test is simple and crisp and is perfect for beginners. As you read you'll experience chilling Messianic premonitions, choose between translating "ha Elohim" as "the God" or "the Almighty", be encouraged by the literal meaning of the verb "to test", and learn one of the shortest and most powerful prayers you could ever say.
Titles of Messiah 1 (25 minutes)
Why is this series learning the titles of the Messiah Izzy's favourite part of Hebrew Quest? This first lesson covers Yeshua's titles in the Tanach from Genesis to Jeremiah including "Shiloh", "Warrior God", "Light of the Nations", and "Man of Sorrows".
#22 - Jewish Prayer: Blessings for Meals | Proverbs 5 | Titles of Messiah 2
Jewish Prayer: Blessings for Meals (35 minutes)
We know Yeshua said a blessing before breaking bread or partaking of wine, but is it possible to know what he said? The answer is yes, and you're about to sing it word for word! We'll also talk about why Jewish people say blessings before and after the meal, and how one of the blessings for food is a mirror reflection of the Gospel of John.
Proverbs 5 (17 minutes)
These proverbs from chapters 12 and 13 will encourage you to be kind to animals, remember you're not always right, and pick your friends wisely.
Titles of Messiah 2 (25 minutes)
Wend through the rest of Mashiach's titles in the Hebrew Bible starting in Jeremiah and finishing in Daniel including "Prince", "Breaker", and "Rejected Stone", and then move on to Yeshua's appellations in Matthew including "Son of Abraham", "King of the Jews", and "Beloved Son".
#23 - Numbers 6: Priestly Blessing | Proverbs 6 | Titles of Messiah 3
Numbers 6: Priestly Blessing (23 minutes)
What if you learned to sing the Priestly Blessing? It's so ancient, and at the same time meaningful and emotionally resonant. What kind of beautiful traditions could you create around praying it over your family or fellowship? And did you know about the symmetry and symbolism behind the number of letters and words in these three short lines?
Proverbs 6 (16 minutes)
What's the difference between a wise and a foolish wife's behaviour? Are you sure you're so right? Who's God looking at right now? Get the answers to these questions and more from these wise sayings from chapters 14 and 15.
Titles of Messiah 3 (27 minutes)
Encounter Rabbi Yeshua through his personal titles as they're found in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John including "Rabbi", "The Nazarene", "The Carpenter", "Sunrise from on High", "The Coming One", "The Word", "Son of Joseph", and so many more!
#24 - Matthew 13: Parables 1 | Proverbs 7
Matthew 13: Parables 1 (59 minutes)
Rabbis were famous for illustrating their teachings with simple stories called parables or mashals, and Rabbi Yeshua was no exception! Parables are perfect for early reading exercises because they're simple and read like stories. Let's read the parables of the Sower, the Wheat and Tares, and the Mustard Seed and see these familiar passages through new eyes.
Proverbs 7 (19 minutes)
Read these proverbs from chapter 15 and be inspired that you can speak healing words, that God sees your heart and delights in your prayers, and that there's nothing better than happiness in your heart and love in your family.
#25 - Matthew 13: Parables 2 | Proverbs 8 | Titles of Messiah 4
Matthew 13: Parables 2 (49 minutes)
Picking up where we left off in Matthew 13, let's read how Yeshua's disciples came to him privately to ask what the parable of the Wheat and Tares meant and then consider that we too can have that same special relationship. Then we'll read two more famous parables about the Pearl of Great Price and the Dragnet.
Proverbs 8 (16 minutes)
Read these sayings from Proverbs 15 and 16 and learn what God does with your prayers, how to become honoured and loved, the secret weapon for dealing with your enemies, and the concrete action for committing your works to the LORD.
Titles of Messiah 4 (16 minutes)
Starting in John and moving through Acts, Romans, and Corinthians, come closer to Messiah by learning more of his official Hebrew titles including "Saviour of the World", "True Bread", "The Resurrection", "Prince of Life", "Judge of the Living and the Dead", and "The Master".
#26 - Psalm 19 | Proverbs 9 | Titles of Messiah 5
Psalm 19 (33 minutes)
Ezra Stiles was the President of Yale and "New England's Foremost Intellectual" in the 1700s. He was also a great Christian Hebraist and started learning Hebrew at the age of 40 reading through Psalm 19. Let's follow in the footsteps of this great man and read about the glory of God revealed through nature and through his holy Torah.
Proverbs 9 (17 minutes)
This collection from chapters 16 and 17 introduces the "King Proverbs" which are sure to give you a glimpse of the royal glory of the King Messiah. They also talk about family pride and how to be greater than a warrior and finish with the classic "a friend loveth at all times"
Titles of Messiah 5 (22 minutes)
Behold the glory of the Messiah through his titles taken from eight more books of the New Testament starting with Corinthians including "Master of Glory", "Our Passover", "The Last Adam", "Life-Giving Spirit", "Seed of Abraham", "All in All", and "Head of the Congregation".
#27 - Numbers 15: Fringes | Proverbs 10 | Titles of Messiah 6
Numbers 15: Fringes (30 minutes)
Have you ever taken a close look at the fringes on the four corners of a Jewish prayershawl? We know Yeshua wore these because the Greek word for them is kraspidon and is what the woman with the issue of blood took hold of and was healed. Let's learn read this passage and see how tzitzit point us to the Messiah and encourage us in our dedication to God and our mission from him.
Proverbs 10 (14 minutes)
Have you ever sung "the name of the LORD is a strong tower" with the accompanying actions? After reading these proverbs from chapter 18 you'll be able to sing it in Hebrew! If you were hoping to destroy your life or embarrass yourself you'll also learn a couple attitudes and conversational techniques that could help with that.
Titles of Messiah 6 (21 minutes)
Most of the appellations of Yeshua you're about to encounter in this final section are from the final book of Scripture, including "Faithful Martyr", "Aleph and Tav", "The Amen", "Lion of the Tribe of Judah", "The Slain Lamb", and "Morning Star". No wonder it's called the book of the "Revelation of Yeshua the Messiah"!
#28 - John 1: The Word | Proverbs 11
John 1: The Word (58 minutes)
There are striking parallels between Genesis 1 and John 1, and these are even more clear when they're both read in a Hebraic context! For instance, the aleph and tav which isn't even translated, or the phrase John took straight out of the Jewish blessing for food, or the full meaning of "grace and truth", or the Son sitting in his Father's lap.
Proverbs 11 (17 minutes)
Are you a "friend who sticks closer than a brother"? Read this well-known proverb, and others from chapters 18 and 19 talking about patience and forgiveness, happy and angry kings, where to get a smart wife, and how to keep your soul.
#29 - Exodus 31: Sabbath and the How/Why of Shabbat | Proverbs 12
Exodus 31: Shabbat (69 minutes)
If a King invited you to spend one day a week with him, would you accept? What would it feel like to make your Saturdays special with family blessings, candlelit dinners, escapes to nature, and intimate gatherings? Is the refreshment of Shabbat just for the Jewish people, or for Gentiles too? And if God said Shabbat is forever and the early church met on Saturday evenings, when did Christianity change?
Proverbs 12 (12 minutes)
These readings from Proverbs 19 and 20 will remind you that constructive criticism is your friend, that God's plan will happen, and that your integrity is your legacy. They'll also remind you to say thank you for your sight and hearing and to keep putting the food into your mouth.
#30 - Psalms 1 and 27 | Proverbs 13 and 14
Psalm 1 (15 minutes)
After Psalm 23, Psalm 1 is probably the one parents are mostly likely to have their children memorize. Maybe you even experienced this yourself, or you remember the first time you prayed through the Psalms and started here. Regardless of the past, now is your chance to read this famous poetry about the happiness and delight to be found in constant Torah study!
Psalm 27 (32 minutes)
This Psalms ends with a crescendo of encouragement. Why is Psalm 27 prayed by observant Jews every day for the forty days of repentance starting with the first of Elul and culminating on the Day of Atonement on the tenth of Tishrei? And how would you like to learn to sing it to a fast-paced, robust melody that your Hebrew teacher himself composed?
Proverbs 13 (12 minutes)
These wise sayings from chapters 20 and 21 will cast a vision before your eyes of Messiah driving over the wicked, get you asking what you're proud of, show you the path of honour, tell you how to avoid trouble, and strengthen your faith with the assurance that nothing can stand against God.
Proverbs 14 (14 minutes)
Did you know the verb for the name Enoch and the festival of Hanukkah is used in one of these proverbs from chapters 21 and 22? Wait for it! You'll also learn how social capital is better than winning the lottery, what the rich and poor have in common, how to become friends with the King Messiah, and you'll get to read "train up a child" in Hebrew.
#31 - Revelation 1: Yeshua and the Apocalypse | Proverbs 15
Revelation 1: Apocalypse (66 minutes)
We're studying Hebrew because of our desire to know Messiah more closely. Of course part of that is knowing who he is in the flesh as a bearded Jewish Rabbi. But is it possible to spend so much time learning about Yeshua's humanity that we start overlooking who he is in the spirit as the glorified Son of God? That's where chapters like this come in.
Proverbs 15 (15 minutes)
This collection of proverbs from chapters 22 to 25 includes a hilarious excuse that Izzy would use when his Dad tried to get him out of bed on Saturday morning, a dry comment on the true test of strength, how to make someone feel like you're kissing them, the secret to becoming a king or queen in your own right, and the assurance that if you're doing what's right nothing's gonna keep you down.
#32 - Psalm 145 | Proverbs 16 and 17
Psalm 145 (29 minutes)
Traditional Jews pray this Psalm three times a day. This means that by the time they're in their mid-60s they've prayed it over 50,000 times! As you pray this Psalm in Hebrew for the very first time ask yourself why this is "the Psalm", imagine how it would change your understanding of God to pray it thousands of times, and enjoy feeling closer to the Jewish people than ever before.
Proverbs 16 (12 minutes)
Dogs eating their throw up, people who think they're so wise, lazy people who won't get out of bed, desperately hungry people who'll eat anything. These pithy sayings from chapters 25 to 27 mostly talk about how you don't want to be "that guy".
Proverbs 17 (26 minutes)
Our last session reading proverbs from chapters 27 to 29 is very pleasant indeed. Let's talk about the sweetness of friendship, the rewards of hard work, the joy parents feel when they look at their kids, and the happiness to be found in Torah-observance.Β
#33 - Exodus 19: Giving of the Torah
Exodus 19: Giving of the Torah 1 (57 minutes)
How many times in these lessons have we lit our oil lamp and read that the Torah is light? Does that "shed light" on the account we're about to read of God giving the Torah to Israel? In this first half we'll cover the events leading up to a nation hearing the audible voice of God and talk about the importance of believing in Moses.
#34 - Exodus 20: Giving of the Torah
Exodus 20: Giving of the Torah 2 (66 minutes)
See the Ten Commandments through new eyes as expressions of God's grace and invitations to hear his heart and relate to him as lovers. And see old words through new eyes too, for instance that Egypt is "double trouble", a priest is a representative, to keep is to be careful and intentional, and that torah is the opposite of missing the mark.
#35 - David & Goliath 1 | Love & Friendship 1: Friendship & Brotherhood
1 Samuel 17: David and Goliath 1 (43 minutes)
Every time Izzy's parents asked him which story he wanted them to read him from the Tanach he told them, "David and Goliath!" How fun is it that now you get to read this story with your Hebrew teacher? As you read be asking yourself, if Messiah is the "Son of David" what does this story tell you about Yeshua and his life and mission?
Love 1: Friendship (13 minutes)
These Hebrew words of love and friendship are both heart-warming and practical. Use them in conversation, write them in cards, and medidate on them as descriptions of your relationship with Yeshua.Β
#36 - David & Goliath 2 | Love & Friendship 2: Expressions of Endearment
1 Samuel 17: David and Goliath 2 (39 minutes)
Continuing on in the iconic story of David the shepherd poet versus Goliath the battle-hardened warrior, let's watch for the Hebrew word for "champion" and see what it has to tell us about the Messiah our great hero and champion.
Love 2: Endearment (20 minutes)
Do you have nicknames for any of your family members or close friends? If you're married or have kids, how about them? Do you have any affectionate little petnames expressing your special relationship with them? In this second lesson you'll learn fourteen endearing petnames including "my man", "cherished wife", and "darling".
#37 - Psalm 45 | HaTikvah | Love & Friendship 3: Expressions of Affection
Psalm 45 (34 minutes)
Of course the Song of Songs is the most romantic book of Scripture, but which is the most romantic Psalm? Psalm 45 is a "song of love" and features a prince and a fair maiden, accompanied by warriors with swords. Remembering that Yeshua is the crown prince, allow your heart to be captured by his gentle power and modest glory as you move through this beautiful Hebrew poem.
HaTikvah: Israel's National Anthem (27 minutes)
HaTikvah is so much more than a national anthem. It's an expression of Yeshua's love for his flesh and blood family, a declaration of solidarity with Israel, and a prayer for true freedom for Jews worldwide. It's also a celebration of God's faithfulness even when his people are less than faithful, and a reminder that the Jewish community is unconditionally loved for the sake of the fathers. Let's sing it!
Love 3: Affection (20 minutes)
One of the most special things about these Hebrew phrases of love and friendship is that they come straight out of the Bible, and most of them are reflections of the relationship between God and his people. These expressions of affection you're about to learn, including "I love you", "you have found favour in my eyes", and "my soul is attached to you", are no different.
#38 - Israelβs Feasts 1 | Love & Friendship 4: Compliments
Leviticus 23: Appointed Times 1 (55 minutes)
The Feasts of the Lord point to the first and second comings of Messiah and are also great excuses to get together and eat. Let's talk about: These prophetic days are "shadows of things to come"...what things? What should we do on a holy convocation, does the Hebrew give hints? What does the 'renewed' moon say about the 'new' covenant? And does the countup to Pentecost start after the weekly or festival Sabbath?Β
Love 4: Compliments (24 minutes)
There's a reason the Torah goes out of its way to mention that Sarah, Rebecca, and Rachel were all beautiful. With that in mind, let's learn how to compliment someone on their good looks! We'll also talk about the "excellent wife" poem in Proverbs 31, imagine husbands praying that over their wives every Friday evening by candle light, and ask why that was the word used to describe David's warriors.
#39 - Israelβs Feasts 2 | Love & Friendship 5: Jewish Wedding
Leviticus 23: Appointed Times 2 (52 minutes)
Let's keep reading and talking about: Are these holidays only for the Jews, or can Gentiles participate? And if God said they're his feasts is it wrong to say they're Jewish? Where are these special occasions mentioned in Luke's and Paul's writings? What kinds of offerings can we bring on these days? Which of these are a "law forever, throughout your generations"? And why does the KJV translate "appointed times" as "feasts"?
Love 5: Jewish Wedding (8 minutes)
Have you ever been to a Jewish wedding? Regardless of whether you're Jewish or Gentile your Messiah is Jewish, which means when he returns there's going to be a Jewish wedding and you're going to have Jewish in-laws! Let's learn some Hebrew terms related to the Jewish betrothal and marriage ceremonies and imagine the future wedding feast of the Lamb.
#40 - Elijah and the False Prophets | Love & Friendship 6: Romantic Lines
1 Kings 18: Elijah and the False Prophets (52 minutes)
We already read the story of the famous fight between David and Goliath. Let's read about another dramatic showdown, this one between a lone prophet and hundreds of pagan priests. The story of Elijah and the false prophets isn't just powerful and prophetic, it's also easy and enjoyable reading in Hebrew. Who do you think will win?
Love 6: Song of Songs (21 minutes)
The Song of Songs is an ancient poem that simultaneously celebrates the earthiness of erotic love and reflects the spiritual love shared by God and Israel. Let's read some of the lines from this poem that you can pray to your heavenly bridegroom such as "draw me after you", "set me like a seal on your heart", and the classic "I am my beloved's and he is mine".